Plasmonics and Metamaterials at CLEO Europe EQEC Munich 2015

9 Mars 2015 , Rédigé par JW

The technical program meeting for the CLEO Europe EQEC conference has just been held. For the EH Plasmonics and Metamaterials topic, we will have a total of seven sessions:
- Dielectric and hyperbolic metamaterials
- Chirality in plasmonics and metamaterials
- Plasmons in Low dimensionan materials
- Emission control with nanoantennas
- Nanoantennas: from sensing to thermoplasmonics
- Active plasmonics and metamaterials
- Coherent effects in nanophotonics
These sessions will provide an outstanding overview of current topics and future trends in metal nanophotonics from fundamentals towards applications and including all spectral regimes: plasmonic nanostructures, antennas, cavities and waveguides; metamaterials; hybrid materials; nonlinear structures and effects; active systems, systems with gain.

Plasmonics and Metamaterials at CLEO Europe EQEC Munich 2015
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