Plasmonics and Metamaterials at CLEO Europe EQEC Munich 2015
The technical program meeting for the CLEO Europe EQEC conference has just been held. For the EH Plasmonics and Metamaterials topic, we will have a total of seven sessions:
- Dielectric and hyperbolic metamaterials
- Chirality in plasmonics and metamaterials
- Plasmons in Low dimensionan materials
- Emission control with nanoantennas
- Nanoantennas: from sensing to thermoplasmonics
- Active plasmonics and metamaterials
- Coherent effects in nanophotonics
These sessions will provide an outstanding overview of current topics and future trends in metal nanophotonics from fundamentals towards applications and including all spectral regimes: plasmonic nanostructures, antennas, cavities and waveguides; metamaterials; hybrid materials; nonlinear structures and effects; active systems, systems with gain.