Articles récents

Raju Regmi successfully defended his PhD

11 Novembre 2017 , Rédigé par JW

Congratulations to Dr Regmi for his brilliant defence!


New team member - Aleksandr Barulin

8 Novembre 2017 , Rédigé par JW

We welcome Aleksandr Barulin as our new ERC team member. Experimental work in the lab has already started!


ERC squadron on the tarmac - Pilots needed

27 Octobre 2017 , Rédigé par JW

9 brand new Dell Precision 5810 units featuring a total of 288 Gb ram and >40 Tb storage.

Enough for a few brilliant single molecule traces. Come get yours. Now.


Job offers Nano Bio Photonics Institut Fresnel Marseille PhD and Postdoc

15 Septembre 2017 , Rédigé par JW

We are seeking to recruit talented, enthusiastic young scientists who are highly motivated to develop their research career in the areas of nanophotonics and/or biophotonics.Three job offers are available, see the details below:

PhD fellowship : Optical nanoantennas to enhance single molecule fluorescence detection

Postdoc Position Nano-optical trapping combined to fluorescence microscope

Postdoc Position: Protein Biochemistry / Protein Biophysics at the single molecule level

Solid track-record and high personal motivation are the sole selection criteria. Come join the group!


Job offer PhD fellowship : Optical nanoantennas to enhance single molecule fluorescence detection

15 Septembre 2017 , Rédigé par JW

Nanophotonic elements to manipulate energy at the nanoscale and go significantly beyond the conventional diffraction-limited microscopes. The objective of this project is to extend the applicability of conventional optical microscopes using optical nanoantennas to enhance single molecule fluorescence detection. This project will explore the interfaces between nanophotonics, biophysics and fluorescence spectroscopy. This synergy will enable groundbreaking applications on single proteins detection and analysis, watching a single molecule at work.

The position is offered for 3 years. A PhD degree from Aix Marseille University will be granted after successful completion of the research. See the full job offer in the pdf description

The job is also posted on Euraxess and on NatureJobs.

Job offer PhD fellowship : Optical nanoantennas to enhance  single molecule fluorescence detection