Articles récents

Prof. Smith is my mentor

4 Mai 2012 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Fancy lab


Watch the PhD movie online streaming and go back to the lab

Welcoming Laëtitia Le Guay

21 Mars 2012 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Fancy lab

Since the beginning of March, we have the pleasure to work with our new staff member Laëtitia Le Guay. She will be in charge of all administratives issues related to the ERC ExtendFRET and NanoVista projects.


Teaser: Optical Antennas Book

13 Mars 2012 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Nanophotonics pick

A book reviewing all aspects of optical antennas is to be published this year (presumably?) by Cambridge University Press, edited by Andrea Alu and Mario Agio. For those interested in the specific configuration of aperture antennas, you may download a preprint copy of the chapter I wrote by clicking here (for individual non-commercial use only of course).

Chapter contents:

- Enhanced light-matter interaction on nanoaperture antennas (single, corrugated and arrays)

- Biophotonic applications of nanoaperture antennas

- Nanophotonic applications of nanoaperture antennas


Japan-France Frontiers of Engineering Symposium 2012

1 Mars 2012 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Fancy lab

Just got back from the frontiers of engineering symposium held end February in Kyoto Japan. Very positive impression of both Japan and conference.



Kyoto conference center



Japanese-style conference dinner



Colleagues Aloyse Degiron and Alexandre Bouhelier getting their first real meal after 24h of travel: happy faces

Latest article: how to enlarge your plasmonic enhancement factor

20 Février 2012 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Recent research work

Recently released in International Journal of Optics, this study describes how to show enlarged values of fluorescence enhancement factor using optical (plasmonic) antennas without changing the antenna design. The discussion here focuses on the influence of excitation intensity, reference quantum yield and collection efficiency. Some general formulas are given, which should help avoid some confusions.


To my knowledge, this is also the first reference of Didier Wampas in a research article. Enjoy!