Introducing Thibault Wenger--Lehnert
I'm very glad to announce the birth of my son Thibault on August 24th 2010. He's already a charming person.
Still in the lab ? Enjoy the Nano Girls clip !
This is going to be THE summer hit ! You may share/leave a comment via the link on ACS nanotation. I also found this video illustration for this fantastic pick up line: "You look like a Sigma-Aldrich girl".
JMC12 : nanophotonics nano-symposium
The programme for the "minicolloque" #8 on the photonic properties of nano-objects is available. Check the conference website or see the images below.
Celebrating the laser 50th anniversary in Marseille
From tonight, and ongoing every Friday night in June, a 10W green laser beam will be sent over Marseille historical center. This will redo Fizeau's experiment and measure the speed of light.
See the blog: un laser sur Marseile
Different animations will be distributed along the laser beam path. Posters to illustrate the concepts and applications of lasers, and demonstrations with lasers :
* mini laser show
* laser balloon burning
* schweppes fluorescence
* invisible ink seen with laser
* CD rom physics
World's smallest FCS apparatus
My group has recently developed an integrated system for compact and portative single molecule fluorescence analysis without using any microscope or microscope objective.
The system is based on our patented technology based on a glass microsphere at the end of the optical fiber. The microsphere works as a tiny lens to focus light with focusing capabilities close to that of a high-quality microscope objective.
The system is capable of single molecule fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and fluorescence lifetime histograming (TCSPC). The size is roughly that of an A3 format, that makes it the world’s smallest FCS system to date, and much more integration is readily feasible.
See a complete article here.