Articles récents

Academic Pride

13 Mai 2008 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Fancy lab

Very interesting : this skinny forearm bears strong ressemblance to mine...

ResearcherID world resource

7 Mai 2008 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Recent research work

By clicking on the “published papers” link on the left, you’ll be redirected to the ResearcherID webpage, which contains an additional link to the ResearcherID new features “Labs”. Alternatively, this can be accessed directly by 

The most intriguing feature is the citing articles network, which enables you to visualize who’s citing your work. Sorting can be done by person, institutions, countries, years…

At the end, you’re on procrastinating for a few tens of minutes more, and can proudly (?) display a “citing network worldmap” as mine:

PS: my geekiness is getting worse each day…

Next international conferences

6 Mai 2008 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Recent research work

The following meetings are scheduled :

- France/Taiwan Frontier of Science Symposium, Taiwan, June 26-27


- Gordon Research Conference on Plasmonics, Tilton NH, July 26-31


NanoLum workshop presentations

3 Avril 2008 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Nanophotonics pick

Full text presentations of the NanoLum workshop (luminescence of nano-objects) are freely available on the net : . For an introduction to topics related to nanophotonics, it’s nice to have a look at this website :

-          near-field optics

-          single molecule fluorescence

-          advanced optical microscopy

-          plasmonics

-          nanoparticle detection

Mosaic Fellows

14 Mars 2008 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Fancy lab

Some pics of Mosaic colleagues in action !

Dr. Hervé Rigneault


Dr. Pierre-François Lenne


Dr. Patrick Ferrand
