Latest publication : photokinetic rates inside nanoapertures
So finally, it got accepted in J. Phys. Chem. C and is now available on the journal homepage following this link. In this paper, we resolve the photokinetics alteration of fluorescent Rh6G molecules diffusing in a water-glycerol mixture within a single 150nm aperture milled in an opaque aluminum film.
We describe the physics behind the observed overall 15 fold enhancement of the average fluorescence rate per molecule. The fluorescence rate enhancement is clearly seen from the data displayed on Fig 3A, and was already reported to some extent in earlier works. The novelty in this paper is that we apply a procedure based on FCS and lifetime measurements to resolve the different molecular transition rates and their alteration brought by a nanoaperture. This procedure is very close to the one introduced by Jerker Widengren and coworkers in Ref. [19] and [20]. This procedure is broadly adaptable to a wide range of nanostructures.
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Next conference “Optique Grenoble
Plenary talk PL4 by Hervé Rigneault : “Structures nanophotoniques pour étudier l'organisation sub-longueur d'onde des biomembranes”
Poster P36 by Davy Gérard : “Exaltation de l’émission de fluorescence dans des nanoouvertures percées dans des films d’or”
Poster P66 by Jérome Wenger : “Quantification de l’altération de la photocinétique moléculaire induite par une nano-ouverture individuelle”
Any future for the CNRS ?
So it didn’t take long to the newly elected French government to threaten (again) the CNRS. Now, the transfer of CNRS researchers to universities appears intended, giving a large power to universities deans, and totally weaking the CNRS institution. This will definitely not solve the university problem in ! French universities need an ambitious reform, but absorbing new researchers will not improve anything. More likely, it may even decrease the average quality of French research.
Universities need students, and students need a clear view of professional openings at the end of their studies. We will not solve today’s major university problem if we don’t improve the companies’ will to hire qualified university students. Bringing new researchers will only delay things.
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SPP3 conference
Now back from the third international conference in surface plasmon photonics in
As a feedback, here are some stats about the number of sessions per topic, and the number of invited speakers per country.
SPP3 conference (off)
When wine tasting meets plasmonics…