Articles récents

Boost your experimental research work

3 Février 2007 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Fancy lab

To get the experiments work properly, of course, much time has to be spent, much care has to be taken, BUT this is (generally) not enough.

There is a third point, which each expert knows, but mostly no one discusses about : the Experiment’s God needs to be satisfied. And to have Him in good mood, presents and gifts must be offered. Then, adding sweat and carefulness, the experiment will work for sure ;o)

Here is a picture of the presents to the Experiment’s God in Marseille :

And the proof that other groups know about it (© Jorge Cham):

Nanophotonics PhD position available !

1 Février 2007 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Recent research work

I’m looking for a PhD student to start on October 2007 on the topic of nanostructures to enhance optical contrasts in biophotonics. Different fundings are available depending on the candidate’s profile and motivation.

Abstract : The ability to producing nanometric structures which forms controlled with a resolution of few nanometers opens new prospects in nanophotonics. Thanks to these systems, we can confine the light field, and produce strong efficient cross-sections as well as an enhancement of the light intensity. This allows to reach effects impossible to obtain with systems of larger dimensions. The aim of this PhD is to study and work on nanostructures of controlled forms to enhance optical contrasts in biophotonics (fluorescence, spontaneous and stimulated Raman scattering). In particular, we will first focus on nanometric holes made in metallic films (gold, silver and aluminum). These structures have remarkable properties, specifically their ability of local enhancement of the electromagnetic field. Several properties are still to be discovered: from the understanding of fundamental phenomena to the development of applications in biophotonics.

Download a proposal here
and look for more information on the MOSAIC website.

Quantum optics movie

31 Janvier 2007 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Nanophotonics pick

An amazing video found on Google :

Young’s double slit experiment explained in a classical and in a quantum world. It's worth having a look !

Note : it's seems the link doesn't work properly on every computer, just copy and paste the address in the directory.

Optics eLearning

25 Janvier 2007 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Nanophotonics pick

I would like to support here a link to Marcel Leutenegger’s webpages on facilities towards optics learning and teaching. Very nice videos introducing the principles of image formation are available (to watch the videos, you’ll need a DivX decoder, see Marcel’s help webpage). 

By the way, I would also like to acknowledge Marcel’s nice work on microscopy at Theo Lasser’s group (EPFL, Lausanne).

Training periods and PhD positions in optics & biophotonics

21 Janvier 2007 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Recent research work

The Mosaic group at the Institut Fresnel offers training periods for graduate students in optics and photonics. PhD positions are also available based on the different internship subjects, depending on the applicant’s profile and fundings. More information can be found on the MOSAIC website.

I would like to give a special emphasis to the subject I propose (in French) : 

L'interaction entre la lumière et une structure métallique de taille nanométrique donne accès à des effets impossibles à obtenir avec des systèmes de taille supérieure. Notre équipe s'intéresse à des trous nanométriques percés dans des films métalliques. Ces structures possèdent des propriétés remarquables, notamment leur capacité d'exaltation locale du champ lumineux. De nombreuses propriétés restent encore à défricher, de la compréhension des phénomènes fondamentaux au développement d'applications en nanophotonique et biophotonique.

Le sujet de stage proposé vise à s'intégrer dans le groupe de recherche pour participer aux développements et aux expériences en cours. Une orientation plutôt optique ou plutôt biologie sera possible suivant la sensibilité du candidat, avec toujours une forte composante expérimentale.