Top articles

  • Latest paper published : 3-axis sub-lambda confinement with nanojets

    25 mai 2009 ( #Recent research work )

    Published in Optics Express, freely downloadable at : We show that latex microspheres are able to confine light in a three-dimensional region of subwavelength dimensions. A simple configuration,...

  • Krabi autrement

    03 juillet 2009 ( #Fancy lab )

    In a rush of setting up a new house together with a new experiment, I somehow passed aside writing a few words here about Mark Leger, a.k.a Krabi Autrement. Mark is a French-Thai free-lance guide for people wishing to discover the Krabi province of Thailand...

  • French elections

    11 mai 2007 ( #Fancy lab )

    Mr S., the newly elected French president, publicly affirms that paedophilia and suicide are genetically determined. A positive point is that we no more feel ashamed for our president’s irrelevant opinions. Nevertheless, the next five years are going...

  • Teaser: Optical Antennas Book

    13 mars 2012 ( #Nanophotonics pick )

    A book reviewing all aspects of optical antennas is to be published this year (presumably?) by Cambridge University Press, edited by Andrea Alu and Mario Agio. For those interested in the specific configuration of aperture antennas, you may download a...

  • OMNT nanophotonic articles selection

    28 juin 2011 ( #Nanophotonics pick )

    Below are a few articles that I recently selected for the OMNT. “Video-Rate Molecular Imaging in Vivo with Stimulated Raman Scattering” ; Brian G. Saar, Christian W. Freudiger, Jay Reichman, C. Michael Stanley, Gary R. Holtom, X. Sunney Xie, Science 330,...

  • Latest article: enhanced second harmonic generation on nanoapertures

    07 décembre 2010 ( #Recent research work )

    My team has recently published a study on second harmonic generation on single gold nanoapertures. This was released in the December 1st issue of Optics Letters. You can find a free reprint here. Metal nanostructures are interesting emitters for second...

  • Boost your experimental research work

    03 février 2007 ( #Fancy lab )

    To get the experiments work properly, of course, much time has to be spent, much care has to be taken, BUT this is (generally) not enough. There is a third point, which each expert knows, but mostly no one discusses about : the Experiment’s God needs...

  • NanoBioPhotonics Conferences selection 2011

    31 janvier 2011 ( #Nanophotonics pick )

    Here is a quick list of conferences where my group's work will be presented. It also provides a short selection of European conferences on nano-bio-photonics, check the weblinks: - March 14th: invited seminar at FOM-AMOLF, Amsterdam - March 17th: "Antennas...

  • Fun with Plasmonics: DIY Lycurgus cup

    06 juillet 2012 ( #Fancy lab )

    The Lycurgus cup is one the famous examples demonstrating the amazing optical properties of noble metal nanoparticles. Now with minimum chemistry knowledge, you can synthetize your own gold particles (or buy them directly on line) to realize your own...

  • Latest article : fluorescence directional sorting with antennas

    23 mai 2011 ( #Recent research work )

    Despite intense recent research on optical antennas, tuning the directionality of fluorescence emission remains an open challenge for emitters with random positions and orientations. We address this issue in a recent Nano Letters report, and propose a...

  • Next conference : EOS annual meeting 2010

    06 octobre 2010 ( #Recent research work )

    Meet me at the TOM3 Nanophotonics and Metamaterials during the next annual meeting of the European Optical Society. I'll have a talk on Thursday October 28th 10am. While most of the presentation should focus on our recent methods to experimentally characterize...

  • Latest paper: single nanoaperture SERS

    07 octobre 2010 ( #Recent research work )

    My team has released an article in the October 7th issue of the Journal of Physical Chemistry C. A wide range of studies had been recently devoted to nanoaperture arrays as substrates to enhance the Raman scattering spectrocopy of adsorbed molecules....

  • Latest article: enhanced two-photon excitation of fluorescence

    04 novembre 2010 ( #Recent research work )

    Two-photon excitation of single fluorescent molecules has generated much interest and expectations, especially for analytical sciences. However, current demonstrations struggle with low two-photon fluorescence rate per molecule and/or high background....

  • PhD open positions nanophotonics biophotonics France

    02 décembre 2013 ( #Nanophotonics pick )

    The Institut Fresnel at Marseille is seeking to recruit talented, enthusiastic young scientists who are highly motivated to boost their research career in the areas of nanophotonics and biophotonics and join the prestigious European Erasmus Mundus Doctorate...

  • Latest article: how to enlarge your plasmonic enhancement factor

    20 février 2012 ( #Recent research work )

    Recently released in International Journal of Optics, this study describes how to show enlarged values of fluorescence enhancement factor using optical (plasmonic) antennas without changing the antenna design. The discussion here focuses on the influence...

  • 3rd summer school on plasmonics SSOP3

    05 avril 2013 ( #Nanophotonics pick )

    Submissions and registrations for the 3rd Summer School On Plasmonics are now open. This summer school will bring together international specialists in Plasmonics on one of the most beautiful islands of the Mediterranean. Check out the exciting program...

  • NanoVista project: photonic antennas for biology

    25 janvier 2012 ( #Recent research work )

    One of the ultimate challenges in biology is to understand the relationship between the structure, function and dynamics of biomolecules in their natural environment: the living cell. The goal of NANO-VISTA is to exploit novel concepts of photonic antennas...

  • Cool video: iso-microscopy

    23 novembre 2010 ( #Nanophotonics pick )

    Isotropic single-objective microscopy (ISO-microscopy) is a novel method developed by colleagues at the Fresnel Institute to overcome the limits set by diffraction in optical microscopy. With ISO-microscopy, light is focused into an isotropic spherical...

  • Summer School on Plasmonics Porquerolles SSOP 2

    02 mars 2011 ( #Nanophotonics pick )

    Many of you were awaiting it (I can see it from the visits and research keywords pointing to this blog), here it comes for your greatest nanoplasmonic pleasure : the Summer School on Plasmonics 2nd edition 2011 in the beautiful Porquerolles island. Book...

  • My first article in Micscape

    28 mars 2010 ( #Fancy lab )

    For those of you who do academic research on (nano)photonics but don't know about the Micscape journal, then you're definitely missing one of the major publications about microscopy It's loaded with plenty of useful / interesting / futile* stuff (* choose...

  • European Master Nano Photonics

    14 avril 2010 ( #Nanophotonics pick )

    The Master for Photonics Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics aims at giving an extensive two-year teaching program from fundamentals to advanced research topics in Photonics and its interdisciplinary applications. The application for European...

  • Beaming of fluorescence light with plasmonic crystals

    15 novembre 2013 ( #Recent research work )

    Collecting each and every photon that a single molecule emits is a major goal in nanophotonic devices. To boost extraction efficiencies, the two mainstream strategies are on one hand plasmonics to enhance local field strengths and induce antenna effects,...

  • Nanophotonic enhancement of the Förster resonance energy transfer rate on single DNA molecules

    10 avril 2014 ( #Recent research work )

    See our new preprint released on ArXiv 1403.2222: Nanophotonic enhancement of the Förster resonance energy transfer rate on single DNA molecules Nanophotonics achieves accurate control over the luminescence properties of a single quantum emitter by tailoring...

  • SPIE Photonics West Proceedings 1

    02 avril 2010 ( #Recent research work )

    Following in SPIE Photonics West conference in last January, we have a proceedings paper published. High-efficiency single molecule fluorescence detection and correlation spectroscopy with dielectric microspheres H. Aouani, N. Djaker, J. Wenger, and H....

  • NanoBioPlasmonics course

    12 novembre 2009 ( #Nanophotonics pick )

    I just gave a master's level class on biophotonic applications of plasmons, so I'm pleased to share a few images taken from the web. NanoBioPlasmonics: outline 1- Surface plasmon concepts 2- Surface Plasmon Resonance sensors SPR 3- Surface enhanced Raman...

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