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Latest (review) paper : nanophotonics and FCS
Published in the January issue of Int. J. Mol. Sci., this review is freely available for download here (4.1Mb). Abstract: Recent advances in nanophotonics open the way for promising applications towards efficient single molecule fluorescence analysis....
Research highlighted by CNRS
Our latest research published in a Nano Letters article has been selected by the CNRS in the "highlighted news" section. Here is an English version: Molecular Nano-Headlight: turning a single molecule into a bright source of light Looking for single molecules...
Nanophotonics job updates
In late 2012, several job offers in nano-optics and biophotonics were posted. See the call webpage here. Several positions have been filled now, I am delighted to welcome new young scientists in the coming weeks. Positions still open: PhD position NanoVista...
Porquerolles Summer School on Plasmonics
As a member of the organizing committee, I’m pleased to announce the forthcoming summer school on Plasmonics that will bring together the European specialists of Plasmonics on Porquerolles island (Côte d'Azur, France) from the 13th to the 17th of september...
Scientific achievements 2007-2010
On January 05-06th, the entire Fresnel Institute will be evaluated regarding its activities during the 2007-2010 period. The final slide of my presentation for this evaluation will summarize the main achievements (see the links to read more): 2007: live...
Latest paper: optical fibers to replace microscopes for single molecule fluorescence detection
Intensity is not enough. Many techniques in optical microscopy take advantage of analysis methods based on single molecule detection events. These measurements provide access to a wide variety of data such as local concentration, structure or mobility...
Science Festival Marseille 2009
Last November, we had the French Science festival "fete de la science" for 2009. My lab hold a group of tables at the scientific village set close to Marseille's Vieux Port, in the very heart of the city. This year, we were celebrating the 400th anniversary...
Assistant Professor position open on nanophotonics
The Fresnel Institute is hiring a top qualified researcher to fill an assistant professor (Maitre de Conference in French) position. The research topic will primarily deal with theoretical simulations of nanophotonics. Read the full details here, and...
PhD Defense Heykel Aouani
My coworker Heykel Aouani will defend his PhD on September 08th (13:00, Ponte Amphi). The thesis is entitled "Optical nanoantennas to enhance and control molecular fluorescence in subwavelength volumes". Thesis committee: - Prof. Romain Quidant (ICFO...
Fluorescence lifetime measurements with PicoQuant systems
My team is conducting a partnership with PicoQuant GmbH for fluorescence lifetime measurements with time-correlated single photon counting. As a brief summary, we operate the following PicoQuant devices : - LDH-P-635 picosecond laser diode working at...
Surface-enhanced fluorescence with corrugated nanoapertures
Subwavelength apertures milled in metallic films are receiving a growing interest to tailor light at the nanoscale, and improve the detection methods of single molecules. In an article published in the July 04th issue of Optics Express, we quantify the...
Full-time ATER position at Fresnel Institute
There is currently one opening position for an Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche ATER (one-year non-renewable assistant professor contract) associated to Aix Marseille University. The research program will be done in one the groups at...
Master Erasmus Mundus Nano Bio Photonics
The Master for Photonics Engineering, Nanophotonics and Biophotonics merging top universities in Marseille, Karlsruhe and Barcelona is seeking excellent students candidates of European Union nationality. 8 positions are offered, with a grant up to 10...
Do you want to give a boost to your h index ?
With a title like this, I'm sure my blog will receive much visits from search engines . If you came here while looking for some h index or h factor data, then you'll already wasting your time. Procrastinate a few more minutes to this very well written...
ResearcherID world resource
By clicking on the “published papers” link on the left, you’ll be redirected to the ResearcherID webpage, which contains an additional link to the ResearcherID new features “Labs”. Alternatively, this can be accessed directly by
Optical Antennas Book Released
Now available from Cambridge University Press, the Optical Antennas book edited by Mario Agio and Andrea Alu. This consistent and systematic review of recent advances in optical antenna theory and practice brings together leading experts in the fields...
SPIE Photonics West Proceedings 2
Following in SPIE Photonics West conference in last January, we have a second proceedings paper published. This one corresponds to an invited contribution. Enhanced fluorescence from metal nanoapertures: physical characterizations and biophotonic applications...
France-Japan Workshop on Nanophotonics
Un séminaire thématique franco-japonais sur la nanophotonique est organisé du 07 au 09 novembre 2011 au Japon (région Ise Kanko, entre Osaka et Tokyo). L'objectif est de permettre une meilleure connaissance des acteurs japonais de la nanophotonique et...
Arjeplog Lapland
To brighten the scope of this blog, here is a new category about various fancy things and thoughts. My best way to end up a scientific meeting (and the rush of the few days before) is to take advantage of it to discover new places and cultures. Following...
Latest article: analyzing fluorescence
Fluorescence is a powerful and versatile method that is widely used in several scientific fields. However, when it comes to analyze the origin of a given fluorescence signal (i.e. calibrating the excitation intensity, the number of emitters and their...
Invited talk at SPP6 conference Ottawa
Deep's abstract on Plasmonic nanoantennas for enhanced single molecule analysis at micromolar conentrations has just been promoted for invited talk presentation at the 6th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics SPP6. As a teaser, our main...
Nano Letters paper published online
Our study on fluorescence enhancement and beaming in nanoapertures with circular corrugations has just been released on the Nano Letters website. See the abstract here. A free reprint (for personal use only) can be downloaded here. Rationale: A wide range...
Multi-focus FCS with photonic nanojets arrays
Our article “Multi-focus parallel detection of fluorescent molecules at picomolar concentration with photonic nanojets arrays” has just been released in Applied Physics Letters. We replace the complex microscope objective commonly used in fluorescence...
Latest article: imaging the Gouy phase shift in photonic nanojets
Recently released in Optics Letters, our article reports on the use of a commercial wavefront sensor to directly monitor and image the Gouy phase shift in photonic nanojets created by micrometer-sized dielectric spheres. Compared to previous demonstrations,...
Assistant Professor position in Marseille : nanophotonics & biophotonics
The Fresnel Institute at the University of Marseilles (, a leading laboratory in the field of Optics, Electromagnetism and Image Processing invites applications for an Associate Professor level position in the field of Biophotonics....