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Plasmonics Summer School 2009
This is a project for a summer school devoted to the foundations and applications of plasmonics, to be held on the island of Porquerolles (France) from September 13th to September 17th. We’re hoping to get a bunch of brilliant speakers for the lessons....
Demonstrating scientific independence
Last week, I had a (long) discussion with French colleagues about the most relevant way to show scientific independence. The issue in France is that as young researchers (age typically < 40), we are NOT intended to run our own group, but have to be integrated...
Sarkozy éclairé : excellent !
Une réponse intéressante du conseil scientifique du CNRS : "Le Conseil scientifique du CNRS réuni le 27 janvier 2009 s’associe à la forte émotion des personnels de la recherche provoquée par le discours du Président de la République du 22 janvier 2009....
Nanoapertures to enhance energy transfer between molecules
Energy transfer between molecules is promoted when they are set in an environment that confines light The energy transfer between molecules is an essential phenomenon for photosynthesis, photovoltaics and biotechnology. Now, thanks to the work of the...
Bert Hecht visits the Fresnel Institute
It's a great pleasure to welcome Prof. Bert Hecht for a colloquium on Sept. 27th 2pm (Ponte amphitheater). Nano-Optics: From optical antennas to atomic-scale confinement of optical fields Abstract: In 1959, when nanoscience as we know it today was still...
Latest paper published : review nanoapertures
In the November issue of Histochemistry and Cell Biology : open access to download here Abstract: During the past years, nanophotonics has provided new approaches to study the biological processes below the optical diffraction limit. How single molecules...
Upcoming conference: SPIE Photonics Europe 2014
Jerome will attend SPIE Photonics Europe 2014 conference in Brussels on April 14-17. He will present four contributions from the group: Paper 9126-57 Plasmonic nanoantennas for enhanced single molecule analysis at high concentrations (invited paper) Paper...
OMNT annual meeting 2011
My colleague Renaud Bachelot will give a seminar on plasmonic nanosources of light during the next annual meeting of the French Observatory of Micro and Nano Technologies OMNT. If you have the opportunity to attend to this series of seminars, don't miss...
Erasmus Mundus Master & Doctorate
The Erasmus Mundus program EUROPHOTONICS financed by the European Community will start in september 2010. EUROPHOTONICS (see website : is divided in two parts : MASTER and DOCTORATE in the field of PHOTONICS. For the Master,...
Gordon Research Conference : Plasmonics
Back from the Plasmonics GRC in Tilton NH last July. As a synthesis, here is my selection of the top 10 hot stuff / challenges in the field for the next years, from the list that was written at the end of the meeting. The list was voluntary limited to...
NanoLum workshop presentations
Full text presentations of the NanoLum workshop (luminescence of nano-objects) are freely available on the net : . For an introduction to topics related to nanophotonics, it’s nice to have a look at this...
C'Nano PACA project funded
Antensat : Antennes plasmoniques sous saturation de fluorescence : ultralocalisation lumineuse et émission exaltée. (Technologies Innovantes / Biologie et Santé) Porteur : Jérôme Wenger, Institut Fresnel / CNRS UMR6133 Partenaire : Christian Dominici,...
Background-free optical fiber probe for Raman spectroscopy
Optical fiber probes are generating a large interest for portable Raman spectrometers. However, the use of conventional fibers is severely limited by the high luminescence background generated in the silica, which complicates the signal processing and/or...
Research highlighted by CNRS Le Journal
Our recent research results on single molecule fluorescence control with nanoantennas have just been highlighted in the April issue of CNRS Le Journal, the monthly magazine presenting the most recent scientific results obtained within the CNRS. See the...
Latest paper : nanoaperture enhanced fluorescence for fast FCS analysis
Published in January 15th issue of Analytical Chemistry : The manuscript presents a thorough study of the signal-to-noise improvement in Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) measurements within a nanoaperture....
Latest paper : single molecule fluorescence close to microspheres
Published in September 15th issue of Optics Express : It’s the first experimental and theoretical report of a new effect : the 3-axis subwavelength confinement of light by a high refractive index microsphere....
OMNT article selection
This trimester’s selection is pretty short (sorry, I’m in a rush to finish several research projects). I pointed out a contribution of Jordan Gerton’s team in Optics Express : The papers points...
In the magazine: portable single molecule fluorescence sensor
Following up with the story of the smallest single molecule detection apparatus ever, and first portable FCS system with true single molecule routine sensitivity, my team has recently published a technical note in the Spectra Analyse magazine. This is...
Latest paper published : adhesion layer influence in ACS Nano
Our latest paper was released on the July 28 issue of ACS Nano. A nanoscale layer of chromium or titanium is commonly used in plasmonic nanoantennas to firmly adhere a gold film to a glass substrate, yet the influence of this layer on the antenna performance...
Jerome Wenger is awarded the Branly Prize 2011
The Branly prize is designed in memory of Edouard Branly to highlight a young researcher working on waves and their applications. It is currently managed by the Edouard Branly association, the French Society of Physics SFP, the French Society of Optics...
Open PhD positions Europhotonics nanophotonics biophotonics France
Got the guts? Get the glory: only a few days are left before the application deadline for the PhD grants offered by the Erasmus Mundus Europhotonics doctorate program. There are several PhD positions at the Fresnel Institute in Marseille France. Get this...
Latest paper published
Now it’s made available online : D. Gerard et al, Phys Rev B 77, 045413 (2008) Briefly, we experimentally compare the properties of circular nanoapertures milled in gold and aluminium to enhance the fluorescence of dyes diffusing within the nanoapertures....
Nanophotonics Assistant Professor position open
Only one week left until the application deadline ! The Fresnel Institute is seeking a top qualified researcher to fill an assistant professor (Maitre de Conference in French) position. The research topic will primarily deal with theoretical simulations...
Japan-France Frontiers of Engineering Symposium 2012
Just got back from the frontiers of engineering symposium held end February in Kyoto Japan. Very positive impression of both Japan and conference. Kyoto conference center Japanese-style conference dinner Colleagues Aloyse Degiron and Alexandre Bouhelier...
SPP3 conference
Now back from the third international conference in surface plasmon photonics in Dijon () last week. A very nice thing is that the abstract book is freely available on the net at and reports at a glance...