Top articles

  • Antenna-in-box platform to enhance single molecule detection

    13 juin 2013 ( #Recent research work )

    In a collaboration between the Fresnel Institute and ICFO-the Institute for Photonic Sciences, we report in Nature Nanotechnology a novel “antenna-in-box” platform for single molecule fluorescence detection with unprecedented resolutions and sensitivity....

  • Latest paper: Singular analysis to homogenize planar metamaterials

    18 juin 2014 ( #Recent research work )

    The ability to design metamaterials with the prescribed properties is a key to their numerous applications and a focus of intense studies in the photonics community. As metamaterials are engineered at a scale which is much smaller than the wavelength...

  • Demonstration microscope and Fourier optics

    16 janvier 2008 ( #Recent research work )

    As an interdisciplinary project for students of the Ecole Centrale Marseille, a joint team with my lab developed a demonstration version of a trinocular microscope. The aim is to introduce students to the principles of image formation, Fourier optics,...

  • Search engine optimization for scientific authors

    29 novembre 2013 ( #Fancy lab )

    As the ACS ads puts it, it is no longer sufficient to publish not to perish, your paper needs to be found. The good news is that scientific editors come to maximize the benefit we (and they) can get from search engine optimization for scientific papers.Check...

  • Latest publication : photokinetic rates inside nanoapertures

    14 juillet 2007 ( #Recent research work )

    So finally, it got accepted in J. Phys. Chem. C and is now available on the journal homepage following this link. In this paper, we resolve the photokinetics alteration of fluorescent Rh6G molecules diffusing in a water-glycerol mixture within a single...

  • Image nanospot cell

    20 février 2007 ( #Recent research work )

    The following image was submitted as cover art for a Biophysical Journal issue (following our paper on cells under the nanospotlight). Unfortunately, the technical staff editors did not accept to consider it : direct cover art suggestions are not welcome....

  • Training periods and PhD positions in optics & biophotonics

    29 octobre 2007 ( #Recent research work )

    The Mosaic group at the Institut Fresnel offers training periods for graduate students in optics and photonics. PhD positions are also available based on the different internship subjects, depending on the applicant’s profile and fundings (read more about...

  • Microscope Setup Views

    29 décembre 2006 ( #Nanophotonics pick )

    Maybe one of the most crucial part, which will never be published in a paper ! The main picture shows the microscope at the left, the lasers at the center back, and the confocal detection at the forefront right. There are many optical parts, each has...

  • New article submitted

    11 janvier 2007 ( #Recent research work )

    Aaaarrrrgggghhhhh…. I finally submitted that doomed paper to this high-impact factor physics journal. Took me a too long time to write it down, and to get it into the limited article length :o(( For those interested, here is the abstract : We resolve...

  • Latest funded project : ANR ANTARES

    17 septembre 2007 ( #Recent research work )

    The 3-years ANTARES project aims at fabricating and characterizing nanostructured substrates for surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and fluorescence emission. The controlled arrangement of the colloidal structure and the use of single crystal colloids...

  • Nanophotonics PhD position available !

    01 février 2007 ( #Recent research work )

    I’m looking for a PhD student to start on October 2007 on the topic of nanostructures to enhance optical contrasts in biophotonics. Different fundings are available depending on the candidate’s profile and motivation. Abstract : The ability to producing...

  • Meet me at…

    28 juin 2007 ( #Recent research work )

    Next conference “Optique Grenoble 2007” (02-05 July) Plenary talk PL4 by Hervé Rigneault : “Structures nanophotoniques pour étudier l'organisation sub-longueur d'onde des biomembranes” Poster P36 by Davy Gérard : “Exaltation de l’émission de fluorescence...

  • Latest publication : fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy in a nanoaperture

    04 janvier 2007 ( #Recent research work )

    Our latest publication has now been released : J. Wenger, D. Gérard, P. -F. Lenne, H. Rigneault, J. Dintinger, T. W. Ebbesen, A. Boned, F. Conchonaud, and D. Marguet, " Dual-color fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy in a single nanoaperture :...

  • Jerome Wenger receives the Branly Prize 2011

    03 février 2012 ( #Nanophotonics pick )

    Edouard Branly in his office, circa 1932 80 years later... JW in Edouard Branly's office, after the Branly prize award. See the funny detail in the painting by Branly's daughter, you can see Branly taking Zeus lightnings Edouard Branly's intruments have...

  • Introducing Nanoapertures

    27 décembre 2006 ( #Recent research work )

    My present research is focused on the implementation of nanometric structures to enhance the contrasts (fluorescence, Raman) in optical microscopy. Two goals are aimed: 1- Fundamental Nanophotonics : understand the influence of nanometric structures on...

  • Next conference: NanoLight 2014 Benasque

    27 février 2014 ( #Recent research work )

    Petru, Juan and Jerome will attend the NanoLight 2014 conference in Benasque during the first week of March. They will give one talk and three poster contributions: Plasmonic enhanced fluorescence energy transfer Enhanced fluorescence emission from resonant...

  • Excitation Enhancement of a Quantum Dot Coupled to a Plasmonic Antenna

    08 octobre 2012 ( #Recent research work )

    Check our work recently published online at the Advanded Materials website. For the first time, we investigate experimentally the luminescence enhancement of a single quantum dot deterministically coupled to a plasmonic gap antenna. We also provide the...

  • Top Gun Day is May 13th !!

    06 mai 2011 ( #Fancy lab )

    Forget about administrative work, prepare yourself for the next Top Gun Day coming up next Friday. What is Top Gun Day ? Check the original TGD website. Top Gun quotes to insert in your next (scientific) conference talk : "The further on the edge, the...

  • New book released !

    15 mai 2012 ( #Fancy lab )

    Ultimate geekiness: my Phd thesis has been turned into a real book, that is now available online via amazon or morebooks. To make it short: I didn't pay anything to the editor, the editor did a great job (positive feedback), I don't get any money from...

  • Training project / Internship / PhD position nanophotonics

    08 décembre 2010 ( #Nanophotonics pick )

    Currenly open is a position for undergraduate internship training project working on nanophotonics for advanced fluorescence sensing and single molecule detection. More details are given here. Relevant candidates have a physics, biophysics or engineering...

  • World's smallest FCS apparatus

    25 mai 2010 ( #Recent research work )

    My group has recently developed an integrated system for compact and portative single molecule fluorescence analysis without using any microscope or microscope objective. The system is based on our patented technology based on a glass microsphere at the...

  • Surface enhanced fluorescence

    23 décembre 2010 ( #Nanophotonics pick )

    A certain fraction of the visits paid to my blog every month come here through searching for surface-enhanced fluorescence. So I guess writing up a few words about this effect isn't totally useless... Surface-enhanced fluorescence deals with the improvement...

  • Latest paper published: Qdots on nanoantennas

    30 août 2010 ( #Recent research work )

    Check out in the August issue of ACS Nano, a paper in collaboration with the Weizmann Institute of Science on the use of colloidal quantum dots to probe the local field enhancement on photonic antennas. Plasmonic nanoantennas constitute a very active...

  • Dive into a single nanoaperture

    01 août 2012 ( #Recent research work )

    Metal subwavelength apertures have turned into essential devices to manipulate light at the nanoscale. However, experimentally characterizing the amplification brought by the nanoaperture on the excitation intensity remains a scientific and technical...

  • Latest paper: Weierstrass factorization in nanophotonics

    08 octobre 2013 ( #Recent research work )

    Optimizing the resonant properties of complex optical antennas is often a complex and time-consuming task. To ease the computational process and provide physical guidelines to the design optimization, we introduced in a publication in Physical Review...

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