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Plasmonic nano-optical trap stiffness measurements and design optimization
Plasmonic nano-optical tweezers offers unprecedented abilities to manipulate nano-objects. However, measuring the trap stiffness at nanoscale dimensions remains a technical challenge, and as a consequence, very few reports have explored plasmonic designs...
Jerome Wenger among the world's top 2% of researchers in optics and nanosciences
An international study entitled "updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators" recently measured the impact of scientific citations. 160,000 scientists -corresponding to the world's top 2% in their respective fields- have...
Deep UV plasmonic enhancement of single protein autofluorescence in zero-mode waveguides
Detecting proteins in the UV range is appealing to take advantage of their natural tryptophan fluorescence and rule out all the issues related with external fluorescence labelling. However, proteins feature a much lower fluorescence brightness than conventional...
Reproducing the Fresnel-Arago experiment to illustrate physical optics
Now published in Photoniques , the journal of the French Optical Society, international (english) edition: Is there a bright spot in the shadow of an opaque disk? Nearly 200 years ago, Augustin Fresnel and François Arago’s remarkable answer to this question...
Preventing Aluminum Photocorrosion for Ultraviolet Plasmonics
Ultraviolet plasmonics is a burgeoning scientific field where the strong molecular absorption bands in the UV range are combined with the intense electromagnetic fields of plasmonic nanostructures. This powerful combination is highly promising to promote...
Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference 2020
Chaired by Patrice Genevet and co-chaired by Jerome Wenger, the Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference 2020 is proudly featuring an outstanding list of 12 outstanding invited speakers. The conference attendance is limited to 250...
Extending Single-Molecule Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) Range beyond 10 Nanometers in Zero-Mode Waveguides
Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) is widely used as a molecular ruler to monitor biomolecular conformations and interactions dynamics. However, an intrinsic limitation in FRET is that the signal decreases very rapidly with the dye to dye distance,...
Temperature Measurement in Plasmonic Nanoapertures Used for Optical Trapping
Optical absorption in plasmonic structures lead to a local temperature increase. It was long assumed that in the case of nanoapertures, the extended metal layer was acting as an efficient heat sink to mitigate the warming. However, the reality is that...
Quantifying the Role of the Surfactant and the Thermophoretic Force in Plasmonic Nano-optical Trapping
Plasmonic nano-optical trapping has revolutionized the use of optical tweezers, and a lot of attention has been devoted to the optical gradient force. However, the metal absorbs part of the incident light, leading to a temperature gradient responsible...
Microwave FRET imaging inside a photonic cavity
Light can be trapped inside a cavity made by two mirrors, thus concentrating the light intensity and enhancing interactions between light and matter. Among the different applications of these photonic cavities, much attention is now focused on their ability...
Latest article: green laser excitation can quench red dyes fluorescence
A wide range of single molecule fluorescence techniques involve the use of multi-color laser excitation, such as PIE-FRET, ALEX-FRET and FCCS. However, the influence of these various laser excitations is very often overlooked. What is the influence of...
Aleksandr Barulin successfully defended his PhD
After a 3-year endeavour, Aleksandr Barulin defended his PhD on Dec 4th 2020. Thesis committee: - Thomas Ebbesen, ISIS, Université de Strasbourg, France, President - Niek van Hulst, ICFO-Institut de Ciences Fotoniques, Spain, Reviewer - Christian Eggeling,...
CMOS-compatible all-dielectric metalens for improving pixel photodetector arrays
The ability to design light concentrators directly integrated on a chip is an issue in many applications of optics. Published recently in APL Photonics, we have developed a CMOS compatible metasurface lens based on the index profiles derived from the...
Raju Regmi is awarded the Aix Marseille University PhD thesis prize for 2017
Raju just got awarded with the "Prix de Thèse" of Aix Marseille University which acknowledges the best thesis defended at the university during the past year. The prize comes with a 1000€ award (always welcome ;o) Before that, Raju also received the prize...
New paper: High-resolution multimodal flexible coherent Raman endoscope
Coherent Raman imaging is a label free technique featuring chemical sensitivity that has a great potential for direct cancer cell imaging. However high-resolution, high contrast coherent Raman images have so far been restricted to table-top microscopes....
Book chapter: fluorescence spectroscopy enhancement on photonic nanoantennas
I have recently released a brief introduction to the key concepts for understanding the phenomenon of fluorescence enhancement with optical nanostructures. This document should be a chapter of a book “Plasmonics in Chemistry and Biology” edited by Nordin...
Upcoming conferences 2018: the Bio-is-Nano Tour
Book your seats for the upcoming shows: - Ircelyon scientific day, Lyon, January 29 - Fluorescence markers for advanced microscopy, Les Houches, March 18-23 - Gold 2018 international conference, Paris, July 15-18 - NFO-15 international conference of Near-field...
Planar plasmonic antennas resolve transient nanoscopic phase separation in biological lipid membranes
Nanoscopic domains (also known as lipid rafts) in living cell membranes have been postulated to play major roles in regulating a large variety of biological functions. However, the underlying basis for their formation remains under heavy debate because...
ERC Starting Grant ExtendFRET results story on Cordis
CORDIS (Community Research and Development Information Service) is a key instrument for effective dissemination and exploitation of EU-funded research results. Our ExtendFRET project was recently selected by the CORDIS Editorial Team to be written about...
Ultraviolet Photostability Improvement for Autofluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy on Label-Free Proteins
The natural autofluorescence of proteins in the UV is appealing to get the detailed information from single molecule data without requiring a potentially disturbing external fluorescent label. However, proteins feature significantly lower autofluorescence...
NanoVista project results on Cordis
From the ICFO news: The European Commission has a very clear strategy for the effective dissemination and exploitation of EU-funded research results in which CORDIS (Community Research and Development Information Service) plays a primary role. The NANO-VISTA...
Jerome Wenger is a nominee for the Jean Jerphagnon prize 2016
The Jean Jerphagnon prize aims to promote a young researcher with an innovative project of high scientific and/or industrial interest. This year, Jerome went with a project on "label-free molecular biosensor using dual-color photon cross correlation spectroscopy"...
France Bioimaging Open Day
On May 25th, we will present several demonstration experiments about manipulating light with optics. This year, we have a special celebration with the bicentenary of Augustin Fresnel's theory of diffraction, and we will be redoing the historical Fresnel...
Sneak preview: picogram protein sensing with PhoCCS 5x better and faster than ELISA
PSA detection in protein buffer solution, here's the match: On the left side: PhOCCS, single mixing step, no washing, 60 min incubation, single readout, 20 pg/mL limit of detection On the right side: ELISA, three washing and rinsing steps, >3h total process...
Plasmonic nanoantennas investigate lipid rafts on living cell membranes
Plasmonic nanoantennas have a high potential to advance biological studies at the nanoscale. However, their use has been almost entirely focused on enhancing the fluorescence signal from individual molecules. In a recent Nano Letters paper entitled “...