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Ultraviolet Nanophotonics Enables Autofluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy on Label-Free Proteins With a Single Tryptophan
Proteins are naturally fluorescent in the ultraviolet, offering an appealing approach to probe proteins in their native state without introducing any external fluorescent label. The UV autofluorescence of proteins is based on the presence of tryptophan...
Happy New Research 2019!
I just have one wish: spend more time doing research Uploaded by natalie herring on 2009-08-01.
Youtube video: nanophotonic structures to enhance fluorescence spectroscopy
From the Ecole de Physique des Houches Fluorescence markers for advanced microscopy Jerome Wenger, Marseille
ERC Consolidator Project Funded!
Thanks to the ERC for empowering the scientists to follow their dreams. Thanks to the panel members for their confidence. Thanks to my colleagues for their support. Freedom is to be true to one’s dreams. We are going to make this vision a scientific...
Deep Punj's thesis online
Optical antennas for single molecule fluorescence detection at physiological concentration Free download at tel-01119033v1
New team members
Stephanie Vial joins the team to work on the ERC Proof of Concept grant and develop the chemical synthesis and functionalisation for our new biosensing platform. Youri Berrahal joins the team to work on the ERC Proof of Concept grant and develop the optical...
Slides: Concentrating Light at the Nanoscale, Plasmonics and Nano-Optics
Had a verynice interaction with the audience this morning at the European Summer School on the Physics of Light in Strasbourg. My slides can be found here: Concentrating Light at the Nanoscale, Plasmonics and Nano-Optics
Fabry de Gramont SFO prize awarded to Jerome Wenger
From the official terms: "the Fabry - de Gramont award of the French Optical Society acknowledges a young researcher (under 40) internationally recognized and whose research has been noted for its quality and originality". It's a great honour to become...
Review Nanoholes
Drilling holes of nanometric dimensions in a metal film is a way conceptually simple to realize new nanophotonic components. In spite of its visible simplicity, a hole drilled in an opaque screen still inspires new perspectives of applications. In a review...
Latest publication : Direct imaging of photonic nanojets
Published recently in Optics Express, it’s freely available at : We investigate the focusing of light by single latex microspheres illuminated by a collimated beam. Measurements are performed...
OMNT November selection
If you visit this blog, the following articles may be of interest to you, these are my recent papers selection for the OMNT : “Imaging chromophores with undetectable fluorescence by stimulated emission microscopy ”, Wei Min, Sijia Lu, Shasha Chong, Rahul...
Summer 2007 article selection
As member of the OMNT “materials and components for optics” committee, I regularly give a selection and a brief description of articles, that I found particularly relevant to the field. Here is my latest selection : "Generation of optical Schrödinger...
Any future for the CNRS ?
So it didn’t take long to the newly elected French government to threaten (again) the CNRS. Now, the transfer of CNRS researchers to universities appears intended, giving a large power to universities deans, and totally weaking the CNRS institution. This...
US-French collaboration
For two weeks, we’ll be welcoming at Marseille Prof. Steve Blair and Colby Wilson from Utah University ( Salt Lake City, ). We also welcome Mr Farhad Madhavi for three months. This is part of an ongoing international collaboration funded by NSF international...
PhD in France
I often get applications from students wishing to start a PhD in France . Therefore, I think it’s necessary to clarify the eligibility conditions for a PhD funding grant from the French ministry of research (the standard grant in France, but there exist...
Quantum optics movie
An amazing video found on Google : Young’s double slit experiment explained in a classical and in a quantum world. It's worth having a look ! Note : it's seems the link doesn't...
Cells under the nanospotlight : latest publication
Our latest publication has been released in the February edition of the Biophysical Journal : J. Wenger, F. Conchonaud, J. Dintinger, L. Wawrezinieck, T.W. Ebbesen, H. Rigneault, D. Marguet, et P.-F. Lenne, Diffusion analysis within single nanometric...
Autumn 2006 article selection
As member of the OMNT “materials and components for optics” committee, I regularly give a selection and a brief description of articles, that I found particularly relevant to the field. Here is my latest selection : "Creating hot nanoparticle pairs for...
Latest (collaboration) article published
Title : Single-scattering theory of light diffraction by a circular subwavelength aperture in a finitely conducting screen Authors : Evgeny Popov, Michel Nevière, Anne Sentenac, Nicolas Bonod, Anne-Laure Fehrembach, Jérome Wenger, Pierre-François Lenne,...
Training periods and PhD positions in optics & biophotonics
The Mosaic group at the Institut Fresnel offers training periods for graduate students in optics and photonics. PhD positions are also available based on the different internship subjects, depending on the applicant’s profile and fundings. More information...
Comments on fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy in a nanoaperture
A point that is always missed by readers of peer-reviewed articles is the discussion with referees, which I believe often contains interesting comments and should somehow be available to the scientific community. To (locally) correct for this, I give...
OMNT June selection
If you visit this blog, the following articles may be of interest to you, these are my recent papers selection for the OMNT : "Engineered SERS Substrates with Multiscale Signal Enhancement: Nanoparticle Cluster Arrays", B. Yan, A. Thubagere, R. Premasiri,...
Winter 2007 article selection
As member of the OMNT “materials and components for optics” committee, I regularly give a selection and a brief description of articles, that I found particularly relevant to the field. Here is my latest selection : " Nano-optics from sensing to waveguiding";...
Optics eLearning
I would like to support here a link to Marcel Leutenegger’s webpages on facilities towards optics learning and teaching. Very nice videos introducing the principles of image formation are available (to watch the videos, you’ll need a DivX decoder, see...
Upcoming publication : review on biophotonics applications of nanoapertures
Nanometric apertures in a metallic film are easy to produce, robust and highly reproducible nanophotonic devices that possess a number of desirable properties for biophotonics. In a special issue of the International Journal of Materials and Product Technology,...