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Nano-Optics PACA Day
This one-day symposium will gather the main academic laboratories involved in nano-optics resarch in Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur. Registration is free but mandatory by email to merlen[AT]
ERC Starting Grant Project Funded !!
Project Name : ExtendFRET = extended FRET with plasmonics Duration 60 months Expected starting date November 2011
Prof. Smith is my mentor
Watch the PhD movie online streaming and go back to the lab
Summer School on Plasmonics Porquerolles SSOP 2
The SSOPII summer school on plasmonics is approaching ! Check the latest program version, and travel venue information.
Beating the 1,000 citations level
A little of self-satisfaction won't hurt... Thanks to all colleagues who found part of my work of interest to their research. Check the items on the left column for latest research results and publications for download (more science to follow on this...
PhD thesis award Aix Marseille Universite
Former co-worker Heykel Aouani has been awarded the 2012 PhD thesis prize of Aix Marseille University, which is ranked #4 among French universities according to Shanghai academic ranking. Congratulations Heykel !
Best poster prize to Petru Ghenuche
Congratulations to Petru for winning the best poster prize at the C'Nano PACA Scientific Days 2014!
Juan de Torres joins the ERC team
Juan de Torres (Spain) has joined the ERC ExtendFRET team since the beginning of September. After a successful master on dynamic light microscopy at the Fresnel Institute last July, Juan is starting his PhD on experimental nanophotonics.
Heykel Aouani is Doctor Aouani
Heykel obtained his PhD yesterday with honours. Congratulations ! The final manuscript can be downloaded here. From left to right: Herve Rigneault, Emmanuel Fort, Romain Quidant, Xavier Letartre, Heykel Aouani, Alexandre Bouhelier, Jerome Wenger
Welcoming Laëtitia Le Guay
Since the beginning of March, we have the pleasure to work with our new staff member Laëtitia Le Guay. She will be in charge of all administratives issues related to the ERC ExtendFRET and NanoVista projects.
11 weeks after…
Still nothing concrete. That’s not really surprising, the thing that amazes me is that the movement is still alive. See the excellent work of Sylvestre Huet on his blog :
Trendy this Fall: French hand-made beanies from Katikoo
Guess who's beyond these lovely bonnets péruviens pour bébé et enfant en coton ?
Mosaic website updated
Several webpages regarding recent research projects have been updated, see the links below or on the left column: - Nanoantenna enhanced fluorescence - Plasmonic controlled emission - Photonic crystal fiber probes
Advertisement on blog
[Edit] So just posting again was enough to remove these nasty ads floating around on my blog. Sorry for that inconvenience, and also for not posting during a while. I was quite busy with some kind of scientific Euromillion for young researchers
Summer School on Plasmonics 2009
The summer school on plasmonics (SSOP 2009) was held during September 13th-17th on Porquerolles Island. Thanks to all 123 participants for having made this school a very stimulating scientific event. The lectures given there are now posted on the SSOP...
Petru Ghenuche and Victor Grigoriev join the team
Since the beginning of June, we welcome Petru Ghenuche (Romania) and Victor Grigoriev (Belarus). Both join as postdoc researchers on the ERC project. Petru will work on experimental nanophotonics and Victor will focus on theoretical and numerical sim...
JMC12 : nanophotonics nano-symposium
During the next national conference on condensed matter, I will be co-organizer of a "mini-colloque" devoted to nano-optics. See the conference webpage, and the mini-colloque n°8.
12th Carl Zeiss workshop on FCS
The workshop on FCS and related methods was held during October 12th-16th at Cargese (Corsica). Thanks to all 68 attendees for making it an active workshop. Pictures and final abstract book are available through the website
You know what? JW is ACS-certified!
There were ISO900X, CE compliance, now there is "ACS certification". I got that "diploma" in my mailbox yesterday, as many of my peers I presume... Waoooooouh
Science festival 2012
Petru and Jerome made the show during Marseille's science festival 2012. About 400 people could discover several optics experiments: seeing stress in plastics origin of the blue color of butterfly wings the schweppes luminescence high rate internet with...
Summer School on Plasmonics Porquerolles SSOP 2
The deadline is approaching: before May 30th. Don't miss this opportunity! Key arguments for your supervisor: excellent quality of invited lecturers + excellent value for the money, the registration fees cover all accomodation & food living expenses....
Just block it : Yes we can !
As decided by a large majority of university staff and students, the campus on St Jerome will be blocked one day per week, starting Monday Feb 09. This shall last as long as the government does not give any answer to our claims concerning status, CNRS...
Raju Regmi as new PhD student
Raju Regmi (Nepal) is joining the group. He will do a PhD between Fresnel and ICFO on photonic nanoantennas to enhance the detection of fluorescent molecules.
Coming soon: the corollary
Quite dusty days...
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