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Mosaic Group Picture
Fluorescence image of a live cell under ultrashort laser light focused by a latex microsphere
Science festival demonstrations
Back from last week’s science festival in downtown Marseille, where we had a quite nice success in presenting optics. The photos can be seen at :
France / CNRS ranking
Back to the source… Taken from ISI Web of Knowledge , here are the latest ranking for France and CNRS in physics. If we just compare the total number of papers published, the froggies are not performing too bad, contrarily to what our government seems...
Introducing Thibault Wenger--Lehnert
I'm very glad to announce the birth of my son Thibault on August 24th 2010. He's already a charming person.
Photonics Spectra highlights the observation of nanojets
See the paper by Lynn Savage in the July issue on the recent work of “Patrick Ferrand and colleagues at the Fresnel Institute” :
This month in Micscape
My recent Micscape article focuses on the Wild Heerbrugg M20 microscope's binocular head and its effects on imaging. In my opinion, the M20 is simply the best stand for amateur microscopy, balancing optical quality, cost, and size.
Ecole thématique NOIS2011 "Nano-Objet aux InterfaceS"
CNRS colleagues are organizing the next advanced school on nano-objects NOIS 2011(May 16-20 2011, Anglet, France). I will give two lessons on photonics structures for the enhanced detection of nano-ojects. See the official website here. Application deadline:...
SPP3 conference June 2007
I will attend to the next SPP meeting to be held in Dijon ( France ) next June. In an oral contribution, I shall present our recent results towards the application of nanometric apertures in a gold film to biophotonics applications. Link to SPP3 meeting...
CNRS INSIS Highlights 2010
Our endoscope system to detect and analyse single molecule fluorescence has recently been highlighted by the CNRS Institute for Engineering and Systems Sciences. See the article here. (French only, sorry). Another description (in English) can be found...
Optical antennas special journal issue
The international journal of optics features a special issue focusing on optical antennas. Read the call for papers here. According to the lead guest editor, already twelve articles are scheduled from major research groups. Deadline for papers 1st se...
New Blog Design
The ERC Starting Grant selection deserved some updates on my webpages... New blog design, updated links and sponsors, and new logo !
Mosaic Fellows
Some pics of Mosaic colleagues in action ! Dr. Hervé Rigneault Dr. Pierre-François Lenne Dr. Patrick Ferrand
Sauvons le CNRS
Satish Moparthi joins the ERC team
It's a great pleasure to welcome our new colleague Satish. We're going to learn how chemistry can be as cool as photonics!
Press : Getting good results at a bargain basement price
Biophotonics International speaks about our research ! See the full article at :
Over 10,000 visits !
During its three-years existence, this blog has received over 10,000 visits, more than 26,000 pages have been viewed. I'm not sure that anybody got an answer to his/her questions; at least, people reading this blog will get some idea about what I spend...
Still in the lab ? Enjoy the Nano Girls clip !
This is going to be THE summer hit ! You may share/leave a comment via the link on ACS nanotation. I also found this video illustration for this fantastic pick up line: "You look like a Sigma-Aldrich girl".
Happy winter break with Les Wampas !!!
Tribute to Les Wampas :
SPP3 conference (off)
When wine tasting meets plasmonics…
Dark Side of the Lab
Some other views of the experimental setup, but in the dark ! Laser powers are about 10mW, camera integration time is 3s.
Now reading...
After the Born & Wolf “Principles of Optics”, here is the “Principles of Nano-optics”, a very well-written textbook reviewing many aspects of nanophotonics by Lukas Novotny and Bert Hecht. Highly recommended !! Click here to read the table of contents...
Next meeting : BCP Marseille Dec 03rd
Scientific meeting of Marseille’s community of biologists, chemists and physicists. The webpage is somehow difficult to find so here a direct link :
Happy winter break
Best wishes
MOSAIC publications
The Mosaic group website at the Fresnel Institute has been updated, with free (electronic reprint) access to our recent publications
New laser received: Toptica iChrome TVIS
Wavelength tunable over the visible spectrum and picosecond pulse duration make a lot of fun in a box: Rising sun of the nano: