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Introducing new intern: Jinchao Chen
We are pleased to announce the arrival of Jinchao Chen within our team for his M2 master thesis. Jinchao will be on a research project on thermoplasmonics and nano-optical trapping. We would like to extend a warm welcome to Jinchao and are looking forward...
Kaizad Rustomji awarded for the thesis prize
Our coworker Kaizad Rustomji recently got awarded the thesis prize of the Doctoral School "Physics and Sciences of the Matter" for his PhD work. Congratulations Kaizad for this well-deserved prize! You can read more about Kaizad's work here.
>1000 views on nanobiophotonics video
One year after, over one thousand views. Not bad given the abstruse subject for a youtube video! Maybe we'll get the sequel this year :o)
Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference NANOP 2022: Functional Nanophotonics
Important Dates: • R egu lar submission deadline: September 6 , 20 2 2 • Reg ular registration deadline: October 4 , 20 2 2 • Conference: Oc t 25 - 2 7 , 20 2 2
European Researchers Night 2021
Back into direct physical format, Jerome will participate to the next "Nuit Européenne des Chercheurs" at Aix en Provence on Sept. 24th. More details and program here.
Happy research 2014
Marseille science festival 2010
Here she is now the little cutie
Lab Days Belambra Club Giens
Happy New Research 2013
Teaser: coming soon!
Next meetings
December 1st, Marseille : 5th BCP meeting December 15th, Lyon : GdR Ondes meeting
Nanophotonics in the kitchen
Resonant nanophotonics + gap antenna + microwave electromagnetism + filmed by my daughter + captain Harlock soundtrack + in my kitchen = blows my mind 🤩🤩🤩
Raju Regmi thesis is online
You can find it on the TEL HAL repository here.
Meanwhile in the lab
OK, there's not been much activity on this webpage for the last few weeks, but that's because we're preparing the next supercool set of scientific papers. Stay tuned for more exciting results soon!
TryptoBoost ERC project: seeing the natural light of proteins