Latest paper: Singular analysis to homogenize planar metamaterials
The ability to design metamaterials with the prescribed properties is a key to their numerous applications and a focus of intense studies in the photonics community. As metamaterials are engineered at a scale which is much smaller than the wavelength of light, it is possible to treat them as a homogeneous medium with the effective values of permittivity and permeability. Nevertheless, there is no common approach to extract these effective parameters despite the significant efforts of the research community over the last years.
In a recent paper published in Phys Rev B, we propose a novel approach to extract the homogenized parameters by analyzing the reflection and transmission spectra. We show that this generalization preserves the physical meaning of the effective parameters at high frequencies and in the vicinity of resonances, where the nonlocal contributions cannot be neglected. It is also shown the decomposition of scattering spectra into even and odd modes helps to separate various contributions and to derive the explicit formulas for the effective permittivity and permeability which always satisfy the passivity and causality constraints.