Nanophotonics PhD position available !

1 Février 2007 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Recent research work

I’m looking for a PhD student to start on October 2007 on the topic of nanostructures to enhance optical contrasts in biophotonics. Different fundings are available depending on the candidate’s profile and motivation.

Abstract : The ability to producing nanometric structures which forms controlled with a resolution of few nanometers opens new prospects in nanophotonics. Thanks to these systems, we can confine the light field, and produce strong efficient cross-sections as well as an enhancement of the light intensity. This allows to reach effects impossible to obtain with systems of larger dimensions. The aim of this PhD is to study and work on nanostructures of controlled forms to enhance optical contrasts in biophotonics (fluorescence, spontaneous and stimulated Raman scattering). In particular, we will first focus on nanometric holes made in metallic films (gold, silver and aluminum). These structures have remarkable properties, specifically their ability of local enhancement of the electromagnetic field. Several properties are still to be discovered: from the understanding of fundamental phenomena to the development of applications in biophotonics.

Download a proposal here
and look for more information on the MOSAIC website.

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