Jerome Wenger Infos
Jérôme Wenger, PhD
Institut Fresnel CNRS UMR7249
Faculté des Sciences de St Jérome
Avenue Escadrille Normandie-Niemen
13397 Marseille Cedex - France
Phone: + 33 4 91 28 84 94
Short bio
Jerome Wenger graduated from Ecole Supérieure d’Optique in 2001. After a PhD in quantum optics under the supervision of Philippe Grangier at Institut d’Optique, he joined the CNRS and Institut Fresnel at Marseille in 2005, and obtained the habilitation (HDR) in 2012. He was promoted to CNRS research director in 2020.
His main research interest focus on nanophotonics and biophotonics. He has authored more than 110 publications in international peer-reviewed journals and is co-inventor of 6 patents. His scientific work has been recognized by 7 scientific prizes and >40 invited talks at international conferences.
Jerome Wenger is currently coordinating one ERC Consolidator Grant and one ANR Grant. In the past, he coordinated one ERC Starting Grant, one ERC Proof-of-Concept Grant and one PHC grant, and was the supervisor for Institut Fresnel of one FP7 ICT project and 3 ANR project. He has been advisor of 7 PhD theses and has supervised 13 postdoctoral fellows.
Jerome Wenger is coordinator of the research axis “Nanophotonics and Optical Components” of the Institut Fresnel. He has taken part to the committee of more than 13 international conferences, and chaired the scientific committee of the session “Plasmonics and Metamaterials” at CLEO Europe EQEC in 2015 and 2017. He was a panel member for the Agence Nationale de la Recherche in 2013 and 2014 on nanosciences, and has been performing scientific expertises for several national and international funding agencies (ANR, ERC, DFG, NWO, MOST…)
Curriculum Vitae
2020 CNRS research director
2012 Habilitation à diriger des recherches - Aix Marseille University
2009 CNRS 1st class researcher
2005 CNRS 2nd class researcher
2004 PhD - Université Paris Sud
2001 Engineer Institut d'Optique Graduate School
Prizes and awards
- Instrumentation Prize from the Chemical Physics / Physical Chemistry division of the French Chemical and Physical Societies, 2017
- Nominee at Jean Jerphagnon Prize, 2016
- Fabry de Gramont Prize, French Optical Society, 2015
- Edouard Branly Prize, Federation of French Scientific Societies, 2011
- Young Researcher Award of Marseille city, 2005
- Daniel Guinier Young Researcher Special Mention, French Physical Society, 2004
- La Recherche Magazine Prize, 2004
De gueules à une rose d’argent sur un mont à trois coupeaux de sinople à deux fasces d’argent.
Cimier : un buste de femme au naturel, vêtue, chevelée et couronnée d'or, les bras remplacés par un vol de gueules d’une demi-rose d’argent.
Copyright Jerome Wenger, Vitrolles, September 2024
Ancestors : Conrad Wenger von Blumenstein; Gottfried von Fleckenstein