nanophotonics pick
Full-time ATER position at Fresnel Institute
There is currently one opening position for an Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche ATER (one-year non-renewable assistant professor contract) associated to Aix Marseille University. The research program will be done in one the groups at the Fresnel Institute under the supervision of a statutory researcher.
Deadline for application April 30th
Contract start September 1st
See the application procedure:
Open PhD positions Europhotonics nanophotonics biophotonics France
Got the guts? Get the glory: only a few days are left before the application deadline for the PhD grants offered by the Erasmus Mundus Europhotonics doctorate program. There are several PhD positions at the Fresnel Institute in Marseille France. Get this opportunity now, next year will likely see no call.
PhD open positions nanophotonics biophotonics France
The Institut Fresnel at Marseille is seeking to recruit talented, enthusiastic young scientists who are highly motivated to boost their research career in the areas of nanophotonics and biophotonics and join the prestigious European Erasmus Mundus Doctorate program Europhotonics.
Check out the five open PhD positions in nanophotonics and biophotonics and enjoy the living in the South of France:
- Photonic antennas for super-resolution imaging and dynamic sensing on cell membranes, Jérome Wenger (FRESNEL - équipe MOSAIC) et Maria Garcia-Parajo (ICFO, Barcelona)
- Silicon photonics : engineering the optical properties of Si-based photonic devices, Nicolas Bonod (FRESNEL - équipe CLARTE) et Massimo Gurioli (LENS, Florence)
- The role of coherence in energy efficiency uncovered by fs single molecule detection, Hervé Rigneault (FRESNEL - équipe MOSAIC) et Niek van Hulst (ICFO, Barcelona)
- Super-resolution imaging using unknown illuminations, Hugues Giovannini, Anne Sentenac (FRESNEL - équipe SEMOX) et Pablo Loza , David Artigas (ICFO, Barcelona)
- Modelling and first observation of plasmon-soliton waves, Gilles Renversez (FRESNEL - équipe CLARTE) et Romain Quidant (ICFO, Barcelona)
News & Views: Breaking the concentration barrier
In the July issue of Nature Nanotechnology, read the News & Views about our recent work by Prof. Philip Tinnefeld.
"The combination of a plasmonic nanoantenna and a nanoaperture has merged fluorescence enhancement and spatial confinement to enable single-molecule detection at biologically relevant concentrations."
3rd summer school on plasmonics SSOP3
Submissions and registrations for the 3rd Summer School On Plasmonics are now open. This summer school will bring together international specialists in Plasmonics on one of the most beautiful islands of the Mediterranean. Check out the exciting program and the list of invited speakers at
11 courses and 2 tutorials will be presented by international specialists on the following topics:
-Light scattering by metallic particles
-Wood's anomalies
-Limits of diffraction
-Dielectric permittivity of metals
-Nonlocal and quantum effects
-Non-linear plasmonics
-Quantum Plasmonics and Magnetic Metafluids
-3D optical metamaterials and transformation optics
-Optical spectroscopy of metal nanoparticles
-Molecular plasmonics