Science Festival Marseille 2009

15 Décembre 2009 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Fancy lab

Last November, we had the French Science festival "fete de la science" for 2009. My lab hold a group of tables at the scientific village set close to Marseille's Vieux Port, in the very heart of the city.

This year, we were celebrating the 400th anniversary of Galileo Galilei's observations with the lens telescope. Therefore, one of our attractions was to re-construct one of these telescopes using magnifying lenses. It's very nice to see that five fold magnifications are readily available with two simple lenses (if you try to do it yourself, put the lens with greater focal length first; the larger the difference in focal lengths, the greater the telescope magnification; actually the magnification equals the ratio of focal lengths). See the pictures below !

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