Erasmus Mundus Master & Doctorate

The Erasmus Mundus program EUROPHOTONICS financed by the European Community will start in september 2010.
EUROPHOTONICS (see website : is divided in two parts : MASTER and DOCTORATE in the field of PHOTONICS. For the Master, the consortium is composed of the universities of Barcelona (Spain), Karlsruhe (Germany) and Marseille (France). For the Doctorate there is an additional partner : university of Florence (Italy).

Master :
The Master is divided in 4 semesters (2 years) taught in english by the different institutions (see website for details).
- 10 fellowships will be given to students from countries of Category A. Category A fellowships can be awarded to selected candidates, who come from a country other than an eligible applicant country (i.e. a Member State of the European Union, an EEA-EFTA State – Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein- Turkey, the Western Balkan countries – Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.-, or Switzerland) , and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries.
- 10 fellowships will be given to students of category B (that are not in Category A).
Roughly, the expenses (tuition fees, travel, accomodation, subsistance, insurance) of Catégory A students are entirely covered by the grants.
The amount of the fellowships of Catégory B students are 500 euros/month.
Doctorate :
For the "Doctorate" program, 6 fellowships/year will be given to Category A students and 4 fellowships/year will be given to Category B students. The PhD students will work under a co-tutelle supervision (joint supervision of doctoral studies by at least two universities within the consortium) between one project-leading laboratory and collaborative laboratories (see website).

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