Next conference : SPP4 Amsterdam
I will be at the next international conference on surface plasmon photonics, to be hold June 21-26 in Amsterdam :
Meet you after my talk O-02 “Merging fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and plasmonics:
characterizing nanostructures for high rate high efficiency single molecule detection” on Monday 22nd, 10AM.
Latest paper published : 3-axis sub-lambda confinement with nanojets
Published in Optics Express, freely downloadable at :
We show that latex microspheres are able to confine light in a three-dimensional region of subwavelength dimensions. A simple configuration, not involving resonances, allows to reach an effective volume as small as 0.6 (lambda/n)^3, hereby beating the far-field diffraction barrier. We relate this phenomenon to interferences between the field scattered by the sphere and the incident Gaussian beam.
The animated gif below shows the electric field intensity distribution while the microsphere is displaced towards the focus of the incident laser beam.
This paper was highlighted as picture of the week on Optics Infobase webpage, and (consequently?) ranked 6th out of the most downloaded OSA paper of March 2009.
12th Carl Zeiss sponsored workshop on FCS
We are pleased to organize the next Carl Zeiss sponsored workshop on fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and related methods. The workshop will take place at Cargese (Corsica, France) from October 12th – 16th 2009.
Check the workshop website for more information :
Porquerolles Summer School on Plasmonics
As a member of the organizing committee, I’m pleased to announce the forthcoming summer school on Plasmonics that will bring together the European specialists of Plasmonics on Porquerolles island (Côte d'Azur, France) from the 13th to the 17th of september 2009.
Invited lecturers and topics:
Plasmonic theory: D. Maytre, J. J. Greffet, P. Lalanne
Experimental methods: G. Lerondel, A. Bouhelier, R. Quidant
Localized plasmons: F. J. Garcia de Abajo, J. Aizpurua
Controlling light: T. W. Ebbesen, A. Zayats, L. K. Kuipers
Plasmonic components: A. Polman, A. Dereux
Novel materials and designs: N. Zheludev, C. Cibila
Complete information on
Please note the abstract submission deadline is April 30th !
11 weeks after…
Still nothing concrete. That’s not really surprising, the thing that amazes me is that the movement is still alive.
See the excellent work of Sylvestre Huet on his blog :