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Charting a course for a (successful?) research career
Found that e-book free online, might be of interest for PhD students / young postdocs: Charting a Course for a Successful Research Career - 2nd edition by Prof. Alan M Johnson As researchers operate in a progressively competitive research environment,...
Review Surface-Enhanced Fluorescence
Emmanuel Fort and Samuel Grésillon recently published a very nice and complete review on surface-enhanced fluorescence. Highly recommended ! Fluorescence is widely used in optical devices, microscopy imaging, biology, medical research and diagnosis. Improving...
PhD Thesis Quantum Optics
A copy of my PhD thesis can be downloaded here (supervisor Philippe Grangier). This work aims at exploiting the quantum properties of light in order to develop new communication devices. The study is devoted to the quadrature components (quantum continuous...
Fresnel diffraction experiment 1/7: official trailer
Is there light in the center of a shadow from a black disk? What is the shadow of a hole milled in an opaque screen? Can adding light to light create darkness? The Institut Fresnel releases a series of short videos answering various questions about light...
Rejection rate at CLEO Europe EQEC
As we had a large number of submitted abstracts but a limited number of slots at the conference, the selection process was very fierce. About 50% of abstracts could be selected for talks, 25% for poster and unfortunately we had to reject about 25% of...
Invited Talks 2016
In addition to the Benasque NanoLight2016 conference, meet Jerome and get our latest results on optical nanoantennas for fluorescence enhancement at the following conferences (invited talks): - European Materials Research Society EMRS Spring Meeting,...
End of year thinking: stay true to yourself
Good period to take some distance from our daily routine and think about ourselves. But who are we by the way? True individuals or mirrors of somebody else? Think of it, and til next time, live like a nanopirate! Warning: the video below is giving the...
[Edit] Wenger on defeat, discipline, Barcelona
Arsene Wenger speaks about Barcelona: "They are better than us, everybody knows that, but I think we could’ve won the game tonight if we kept the discipline until the end." Obviously thinking about ICFO, wasn't he? Let's follow coach Wenger's advice....
Bye X-twitter, we're leaving and won't look back
Our account @Photonicsnano was essentially on hold over the last year, waiting to see how X/twitter evolves. Thanks Elon for making things evidently clear by using a sign instantly recognisable by (almost) everybody on this planet. We don't recognize...
Johann Berthelot receives Marie Curie fellowship
Congratulation Johann for this excellent result!
Johann Berthelot joins the ERC team
Since the beginning of November, Johann Berthelot (formerly at ICFO in Romain Quidant's group) has joined the team to work on the ERC ExtendFRET project and develop new optical read-out for enhanced molecular energy transfer.
Custom design for PHOCCS ERC project. Made @ Fresnel.
New website for Institut Fresnel
The new website for Institut Fresnel has just been released: We are still working on writing some parts, so apologies for any inconvenience. Hope you will enjoy this version.
Tips for writing an ERC proposal
The most complete set of advice is found on Prof. Andreas Zeller's excellent post. Additionally, the EPFL research office has released a very useful pdf document to help during ERC proposal writing. Both highly recommended!
FCS is an art
Carnival in the lab
A freshly shaved CNRS researcher in shirt, a nano space pirate and doughnuts... mmm... lots of doughnuts!!
Celebrating the 10 years of ERC
Many things change in ten years, the thirst for discovery remains. More links on CNRS celebrating the ERC here and on the ERC grantees within CNRS.
Academic Pride Very interesting : this skinny forearm bears strong ressemblance to mine...
JMC12 : nanophotonics nano-symposium
The programme for the "minicolloque" #8 on the photonic properties of nano-objects is available. Check the conference website or see the images below.
Introducing Emeline Wenger-Lehnert
I’ve been quite away from the blog (and the lab!) during the last few days… My daughter Emeline was born March 17th. She’s discovering pretty well her new world, as I am learning my new job of being father.
Photonic nanojets highlighted
The CNRS Institute of Information and Engineering Sciences and Technologies (INST2I) has highlighted our recent work on photonic nanojets and their use for single molecule detection. Read more (sorry French only) at :
MOSAIC webpage updated
Check out our new MOSAIC group webpage, numerous new materials have been added & updated. >>>
12th Carl Zeiss sponsored workshop on FCS
We are pleased to organize the next Carl Zeiss sponsored workshop on fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and related methods. The workshop will take place at Cargese (Corsica, France) from October 12th – 16th 2009. Check the workshop website for more...
Jerome Wenger gets HDR clearance
Most relevant information: - Champagne: Pannier Brut Selection (here) - Fruit juices: Alain Milliat (here) - Finger food: Villedieu traiteur (here)
Indian research in Marseille
Deep Punj and Kumar Saurav recently joined the team at the Fresnel Institute. It's a great pleasure for us to welcome them.