Articles récents

Johann Berthelot receives Marie Curie fellowship

25 Janvier 2016 , Rédigé par JW

Johann Berthelot receives Marie Curie fellowship

Congratulation Johann for this excellent result!

Johann Berthelot joins the ERC team

6 Novembre 2015 , Rédigé par JW

Johann Berthelot joins the ERC team

Since the beginning of November, Johann Berthelot (formerly at ICFO in Romain Quidant's group) has joined the team to work on the ERC ExtendFRET project and develop new optical read-out for enhanced molecular energy transfer.

Fluorescence enhancement with double nanohole aperture

2 Novembre 2015 , Rédigé par JW

Fluorescence enhancement with double nanohole aperture

Plasmonic antennas enable monitoring biochemical reactions in nanometer-sized volumes with high fluorescence brightness. Among the antenna designs, the double nanohole (DNH) is attracting much interest thanks to its distinctive advantages of narrow gaps, high enhancement and efficient background screening.

In a Scientific Reports paper “Nanoscale volume confinement and fluorescence enhancement with double nanohole aperture”, we completely characterize the fluorescence emission in a DNH antenna, and realize a volume reduction of 7000-fold as compared to diffraction-limited confocal microscopes together with single molecule fluorescence enhancement up to 100-fold and 30-fold LDOS enhancement.

The DNH is an efficient design to reach nanometer confinement of light, with comparatively simpler nanofabrication as compared to other designs. The high optical performance and the robust design open promising perspectives to study complex biochemical dynamics at micromolar physiological concentrations.


30 Octobre 2015 , Rédigé par JW


Custom design for PHOCCS ERC project. Made @ Fresnel.

New team members

28 Septembre 2015 , Rédigé par JW

New team members

Stephanie Vial joins the team to work on the ERC Proof of Concept grant and develop the chemical synthesis and functionalisation for our new biosensing platform.

New team members

Youri Berrahal joins the team to work on the ERC Proof of Concept grant and develop the optical reader prototype for our new biosensing platform.

New team members

Pamina Winkler has started her PhD at ICFO in the Single Molecule Biophotonics group of Prof. Maria Garcia Parajo. She is currently visiting the institute for special FCS training on nanoantennas.