Beating the 1,000 citations level
A little of self-satisfaction won't hurt... Thanks to all colleagues who found part of my work of interest to their research.
Check the items on the left column for latest research results and publications for download (more science to follow on this blog).
Ecole thématique NOIS2011 "Nano-Objet aux InterfaceS"
CNRS colleagues are organizing the next advanced school on nano-objects NOIS 2011(May 16-20 2011, Anglet, France). I will give two lessons on photonics structures for the enhanced detection of nano-ojects.
See the official website here. Application deadline: 08 april 2011
Demonstrating scientific independence
Last week, I had a (long) discussion with French colleagues about the most relevant way to show scientific independence. The issue in France is that as young researchers (age typically < 40), we are NOT intended to run our own group, but have to be integrated into a (larger) group lead by a so-called "class A" researcher (understand full professor or CNRS director). Leading his/her own young research group is not the point in France, contrarily to colleagues in UK, Germany or Spain.
The crazyness of this situation is that all young researcher I know are performing their research independently on their senior group leader. All this looks like mostly an obscure French administrative issue: young researchers can be scientifically autonomous within a group, but not fully administratively autonomous.
So, how to demonstrate independence? This can be a real issue in fierce funding competition at European level. The best answer I can provide is to go back to the scientific output, ie peer-reviewed papers, and check for corresponding authors and last authors. For my own case, here is the kind of graph to show my transition to independence:
Data are in % of total articles per year (for 2011 it also includes submitted and in press manuscripts). Of course, this does not constitute the sole evaluation criterion, yet combined with publications list and brief scientific achievements description, I think it can provide a fair overview.
Summer School on Plasmonics Porquerolles SSOP 2
Many of you were awaiting it (I can see it from the visits and research keywords pointing to this blog), here it comes for your greatest nanoplasmonic pleasure : the Summer School on Plasmonics 2nd edition 2011 in the beautiful Porquerolles island. Book the dates : October 3 to October 7, 2011.
See the official website. Registration deadline: please apply by May 30th.
This time, I will give a tutorial talk, so I'm not part of the organization committee (which means I am not the person to contact for help in the registration, abstract submission, venue, etc...)
Also, for lecturers of the first edition, I know many of you really enjoyed the summer school and wanted to come back for the second edition. However, the organization committee decided to change all the lecturers for each edition, and not to take the same person twice. This is a tough but fair rule (Gordon Research Conferences apply the same).
Assistant Professor position open on nanophotonics
The Fresnel Institute is hiring a top qualified researcher to fill an assistant professor (Maitre de Conference in French) position. The research topic will primarily deal with theoretical simulations of nanophotonics. Read the full details here, and the official announcement here. Deadline for applications March 25th.