Articles récents

Introducing Emeline Wenger-Lehnert

3 Avril 2007 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Fancy lab

I’ve been quite away from the blog (and the lab!) during the last few days…

My daughter Emeline was born March 17th. She’s discovering pretty well her new world, as I am learning my new job of being father.

Upcoming publication : review on biophotonics applications of nanoapertures

16 Mars 2007 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Recent research work

Nanometric apertures in a metallic film are easy to produce, robust and highly reproducible nanophotonic devices that possess a number of desirable properties for biophotonics. In a special issue of the International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, I will describe some exciting applications of sub-wavelength apertures towards the sensitive and specific characterization of molecules.

Outline : 1/ introducing nanoapertures, 2/ Performing FCS in reduced volumes, 3/ Single molecule analysis in a nanohole, 4/ Sub-diffraction diffusion analysis within lipidic membranes, 5/ Fluorescence emission enhancement, 6/ Biosensing applications of sub-wavelength apertures.

An unedited version of the paper is available on the MOSAIC website >> here.

SPP3 conference June 2007

1 Mars 2007 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Nanophotonics pick

I will attend to the next SPP meeting to be held in Dijon ( France ) next June.

In an oral contribution, I shall present our recent results towards the application of nanometric apertures in a gold film to biophotonics applications.

Link to SPP3 meeting :

Image nanospot cell

20 Février 2007 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Recent research work

The following image was submitted as cover art for a Biophysical Journal issue (following our paper on cells under the nanospotlight). Unfortunately, the technical staff editors did not accept to consider it : direct cover art suggestions are not welcome. This is quite surprising, and I must say, even a bit disappointing. So that it does not completely disappear, I put it as an illustration for my blog…

Cells under the nanospotlight : latest publication

19 Février 2007 , Rédigé par JW Publié dans #Recent research work

Our latest publication has been released in the February edition of the Biophysical Journal :

J. Wenger, F. Conchonaud, J. Dintinger, L. Wawrezinieck, T.W. Ebbesen, H. Rigneault, D. Marguet, et P.-F. Lenne, Diffusion analysis within single nanometric apertures reveals the ultrafine cell membrane organization, Biophys. J., vol.92, pp. 913-919 (2007).

It describes a novel approach to explore the ultrafine plasma membrane organization of living cells. Our strategy combines single nanometric apertures in a metallic film with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). Performing FCS measurements with increasing aperture sizes, we observe different diffusion regimes, which reveal the kind and the size of the nanometric membrane heterostructures. We believe this method brings drastic improvements to exisiting well-established techniques : compared to conventional FCS, our method has a high spatial resolution, necessary to quantify membrane heterogeneities at the submicron scale. Alternatively to single particle tracking, our method takes advantage of a high temporal resolution at the microsecond range together with a simple data analysis.

Click here to read the abstract and download the paper.